Spring One of a Kind Show


My Mom and I went to the late night shopping event at the One of a Kind show last evening. So much fun. I found that there was a lot of reasonably priced art and sweet little items. I appreciate not everyone that reads my blog is from Toronto (or can make it to the show) but every vendor I asked has a website and ships, so I thought you'd like to see some new artisans that I enjoyed. But if you ARE close to Toronto, I highly recommend visiting. It's a super fun show. :)

The top photo is of one of the items that came home with me from Graham Blair Woodcuts.

Here are my picks from the show - in most cases the links are to the One of a Kind Show so you can find the vendors booth number, but from that page you can visit their website.

1. Ele Willoughby, Minouette on Etsy  - Graphic punchy art that would be awesome for a kids room.
2. Cashmere booties by Boogaloo Bubby Wear almost came home with me and I don't even little feet to dress. That's how cute they are.
3. Felted animals by Carolyn Misener caught my eye and at $35 they were amazingly priced. Mom bought a little Beaver for Oscars room. It's soooooo cute.
4. Tissage Magély Weaving - The most gorgeous blankets - this king blanket my Mom purchased.
5. Graham Blair Woodcuts - The first aisle and, my first purchase. His work is gorgeous and amazingly priced. I ended up picking up the top piece of art called "The Three Bears".
6. Heyday Design - Needs no introduction on my blog, love her stuff. And I met her and she's ridiculously sweet.
7. I'm still obsessed with mason jars + candles so I picked up some tealight holders for my mason jars from Pietersma Tinworks
8. Tissage Magély Weaving - Same as photo #4 but you can see some more of their blanket styles
9. Morico (Etsy Shop) - This little circus elephant caught my eye - I think it was around $70 and the only one they had made, and were making because it was so labourous to make. If I were designing a nursery I'd grab that one.
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